Nobull started working with AATU luxury dog cuisine in February 2021. AATU had had a recent rebrand, but it hadn’t yet defined its brand story, message pillars and tone. Nobull led this project going forwards.

The Challenge

Nobull started working with AATU luxury dog cuisine in February 2021. AATU had had a recent rebrand, but it hadn’t yet defined its brand story, message pillars and tone. Nobull led this project going forwards.

The Solution

Having worked on Barking Heads/Meowing Heads, Nobull worked with Pet Food UK’s premium dog food brand AATU, to establish their brand story and identity. Managing all influencer and celebrity relations, the community management of all social channels, campaign ideas and strategy input, and the creation of all organic social content and visuals.

The Results

Across the 8 month project with AATU, a consistent brand story and organic social content proved to work well with all reports showing increased numbers.


What We Achieved

Impressions up
Post link clicks up
Instagram followers up
Facebook followers up

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