My First Week at Nobull

It’s always a bit nerve-wracking when you start a new job, you’re never quite sure what to expect when you walk in on your first day, meeting new people, navigating a new building. For me it was especially nerve wracking because joining the Nobull team was a huge career change, but it was one I was ready for.
Flo Blanksby
Account Executive

It’s always a bit nerve-wracking when you start a new job, you’re never quite sure what to expect when you walk in on your first day, meeting new people, navigating a new building. For me it was especially nerve-wracking because joining the Nobull team was a huge career change, but it was one I was ready for. As it turned out, I didn’t need to be worried at all, because the moment I arrived everyone made me feel so welcome and I was instantly a part of the team, it never felt like I was new! No day has been the same, and whether that’s different clients, different tasks, or a different office dog (I’ve met the lovely Archie and Honey so far), it’s really introduced me to all aspects of Nobull as an agency at a perfect pace.  


I started work in luxury high street retail when I was 17 and steadily progressed upwards during my time at university, and during that time I became very good at face-to-face problem solving, as when you are physically next to a customer you don’t have time to weigh up how to respond and don’t have time to confer with others a lot of the time, a customer wants an answer then and there and it’s up to you to give them one. What I get to do now is execute the client’s vision and I have slightly more time and the opportunity to collaborate to get the best information or resolution for the client or potential client.


It is undeniable that social media has the power to make or break a business, and this has become even more prevalent in recent years as social media is the marketing. Therefore, it is up to us to keep up trends and algorithms. There are many things I learned from working in retail, in regard to social media, and one of those things is that you need to be flexible, able to adapt, and listen.


Social media is the connection between company and customer (or potential customer) and bridging this gap between the two is crucial to convert potential consumers into customers, what a customer wants is for a company to acknowledge them and not only transmit but receive and listen to what it is the customer is saying, because that is what a lot of customers are really after, a more personal approach where their specific questions are being addressed.


I’m looking forward to continuing to learn everyday more about our clients and the best way to optimise this connection.

Flo Blanksby
Account Executive