My First Week with the Nobull Team

I tend to liken my first day at a new job to my first day of school - the process of meeting new people, remembering new names, finding your way round a new building. It’s very nerve wracking!
Jesse Staines
Social & Content Manager

I tend to liken my first day at a new job to my first day of school - the process of meeting new people, remembering new names, finding your way around a new building. It’s very nerve-wracking!


However, my first day at Nobull was less like my first day, and more like I had been there for years. I was instantly made to feel comfortable by my colleagues; their effort to include me in conversations, ask questions about myself, and the calm presence of Archie the office dog (who is the ultimate definition of well-behaved!) settled my nerves within minutes of being there. Over the first few days, I could also already see the benefits of working with a smaller team - everyone is not only super close, but they understand each other's strengths. Each person therefore gets their opportunity to build on these strengths - whether it be press releases, content creation, or data analysis - and, in doing so, express passion and enthusiasm into their work.


Since leaving university in 2021, I’ve worked solely in paid advertising. While this exposed me to some fundamental skills and knowledge of the big bad world of marketing, my interest was always drawn toward creative strategy. My favourite part of my previous role was providing creative feedback to clients, investigating what formats, creative messaging, and imagery resonated best with our target audiences. It was through understanding our audiences on a more emotional level that allowed us to form an online community of loyal consumers, who genuinely resonated with the brand’s tone of voice and moral compass. It was this idea that social media can form a well-knit community and promote a sense of belonging that has fuelled my aspiration to work in social media. I am therefore so excited to be involved in the organic side of social marketing at Nobull; as a consumer of social media content myself, I want to be part of what creates that sense of belonging through a passionate and friendly online presence.


I was once asked what I have found to be the most challenging part of working in social media; my response was that the social landscape is difficult to keep up with because it is constantly changing. However, this shouldn’t hold people back from exploring all that social media has to offer; rather, this constant shift is a means to explore some really exciting opportunities, as with each new feature we can create more engaging and interactive content that audiences can relate to and, ultimately, we can build stronger online communities with. This is something I have already experienced in real time from my first week here at Nobull; not only from seeing several loyal followers commenting about their love for the brands we work with, but from the Nobull team itself in how they respect and look after one another. When a group of people are clearly passionate about what they do, it permeates into their work and makes all the difference. I can tell I’m going to learn a lot already - I can’t wait!

Jesse Staines
Social & Content Manager
Social media and creative content enthusiast following a background in display and paid social marketing. Could talk your ear off about films, her dog, and the importance of a daily sweet treat.