The scariest career change of my life

The scariest career change of my life
Owen Hill
PR Account Manager

I remember getting my first job at 16; working on the kids’ department of a high street shoe brand in the height of the summer holidays. I ended up working there for a couple of years, then moved over into clothing, and then (7 whirlwind years later) mobile phone and broadband sales.


Then Covid happened, and I was made redundant from the phone shop. The logical next move? Yep, you guessed it: I got a job in a factory, thermoforming plastics. And then, to add to the fun, Brexit happened, and I was made redundant from the factory.


So, with 7 years of retail experience, and a year manufacturing, what’s the next logical career move? Yep, you guessed it again, I joined one of the UK’s top consumer PR agencies – and I loved it.


There’s no thrill like being in a busy press office on the day a big story goes live. It’s a bit like being on a rollercoaster, but indoors, you’re not moving, and also you’re sending emails. But I love it.


I stayed in consumer PR for two-and-a-half years, and took a brief stint in gaming PR, and then – of all the unexpected career changes I’ve made – I made the scariest change yet. And the craziest part of it all, is that there’s no reason for it to be scary. So, why was it?


I think the answer to that is “what if I’ve fallen out of love with PR?” – the answer to which, it transpires, is a resounding “no, you just needed to find the right place to be”. Which I now have.


They say variety is the spice of life, which is certainly true when it comes to work, and monotony is the death of creativity. Thankfully variety is something that comes in shedloads at Nobull, and I’ve had the best month in a job than I’ve had in years.


I’m so happy to be part of the team, and look forward to many more best months to come!


Owen Hill
PR Account Manager