What brands should know about gen Z

Gen Z is a digitally savvy generation unlike any other. Having never known a world without it, social media is integrated into the world of Gen Z and is a leading source of communication. Born between 1995 and 2010, when it comes to doing business with brands, Gen Z generally prefers to support brands that have values and ethics they agree with.

Gen Z is a digitally savvy generation unlike any other. Having never known a world without it, social media is integrated into the world of Gen Z and is a leading source of communication. Born between 1995 and 2010, when it comes to doing business with brands, Gen Z generally prefers to support brands that have values and ethics they agree with.

As the most connected generation yet, Gen Z are often called “digital natives” due to their familiarity with technology from a young age. As a diverse group, understanding what drives them is key to targeting them.

Gez Z is very focused on social media and lives a large part of their lives online, where they meet friends, express themselves and create their identity. A report from OCAD University revealed that 73% of Gen Z believe they need more self-expression to live a happy, healthy life.

Gen Z wants realistic, authentic, and attainable representation, and will increasingly expect brands to destigmatise flaws and work to undo unrealistic beauty standards. This desire for authentic content is reflected in apps and social channels such as BeReal – a social media platform with the aim to promote authentic, unfiltered photos in the moment.

If you want to grab their attention you need to know how they think..

So, what are the top gen Z trends to incorporate in 2023?

1. Mobile Content

75% of Gen Zers considered mobile phones their device of choice (2). They’re a generation most likely to engage with content and brands online on their mobile phones. If we know anything about them, we do know that they have a deep desire to develop connections, and our mobiles allow for this.

2. Driven By Values

Brands are more likely to be called out by Gen Z than any other to make a difference by using their voice to advocate or speak out.

Above all else, Gen Z expects the truth and transparency from companies regarding their record and practices in all areas. In fact, brand loyalty and trust are key parts of Gen Z’s decision-making before buying a product.

3. Social Media Platforms as Search Engines

Searching for a new restaurant idea? Use TikTok. Outfit ideas? Instagram.

Gez Z is the worlds first fully digital generation, with a great range of platforms available, with more continuing to be developed. It was Google, but now it’s TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter that Gen Z are using for their own research and reviews. They much prefer visual learning over traditional text-based learning, and the visual nature of these platforms makes it easier to get answers and ideas quickly.

4. User-Generated Content at the Forefront

Content creation is at the forefront of Gen Z’s habits. With apps like TikTok, users are constantly creating, consuming and sharing nonstop user-generated content. With Gen Z valuing authenticity, UGC is more reliable to them when it comes to brands and products they are taking an interest in, which helps build trust.

Gone are the days when celebrities printed a scripted sentence for an advertisement, and more influencer branded posts are becoming quiet in the noise. Today’s young consumers would rather see their peers using the product and talking about it.

5. Fun, Creative Content

With the rise of TikTok over the past few years, trends such as dance challenges, recipes, and lip-syncing battles seem to keep evolving and inspire users to create new content.

This follows along their line of values of authenticity, personalisation and collaboration. For Gen Z, social media is becoming more about having fun, watching entertaining content, and joining in with trends rather than the airbrushed, scripted content that used to be.

To reach Gen Z, brands should focus on being transparent about their values, market using authentic representatives, and be willing to embrace new digital ways of reaching consumers.


(2) https://glukoze.com/retail-generation-z.PDF